Angela Tucker
Angela began her dance career at the age of 5, training in Ballet, Jazz, Ballroom and Latin Dance. Following a career with a professional dance group, she was hired by Seneca College to develop their dance & fitness programs. During the 8 years she worked at Seneca, she designed the Fitness Leadership Training Program and numerous dance programs, for adults and children.
During her career as a teacher, she wrote and published a book, produced a video on Couples Dancing and created the Teddy & Me Workout, a unique children’s dance and exercise program. In 1982 she appeared as a guest host on CBC’s Fitness People and in 1986 she pursued her dream of opening her own studio, which has grown to 3 locations in York Region.
As a leader in the dance industry, Angela has mentored and trained many students who have moved on to a career in dance, or have opened their own studios. She was awarded a business achievement award by the Aurora Chamber of Commerce in 2009 and currently sits on a number of advisory boards, including the York Region Arts Council whose mandate is to promote and encourage young artists in York Region to achieve their goals.
As the Artistic Director or YDA, Angela oversees the program content, faculty and guest instructors and is blessed to have been able to make a career out of her passion and to be able to share it with her students and her family!